
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Looking Back...

This is a day late, but I was out of town all day yesterday, so I couldn't post this when I wanted to.

"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
~ President F. Roosevelt

Well,  yesterday was the 71st anniversary of that infamous day, but who noticed? Who thought about it? Oh, there were radio programs about it, sure. I listened to a few of them. I noticed a few trends among the different shows my dad and I scanned through as we traveled...the hosts had some very good stories - several of them knew veterans that were there that day. But the callers? They used the opportunity to turn the conversation to politics. How sad is that? After the attack, this country set December 7th aside as a day to remember the incredible sacrifice of the men and women at Pearl Harbor; the many that died, and those that physically escaped, but were forced to relive that nightmare in their minds every time they close their eyes. But how many of us really think about that on the 7th? Or do we let ourselves get swept up into the politics of everything?

Do those in charge of the military always make the right calls? No. Are all their decisions made with the best interest of all those involved? No. I realize that. But really? Is that what Pearl Harbor Day is about? I think not.

At the end is a poem I wrote after the Chinook helicopter was shot down in August of last year. It puts a little bit of a personal twist on a tragedy like this...except that 71 years ago, over 2,400 Americans lost their lives, and another 1,300 were injured in some way.

So as we're enjoying this holiday season, lets remember those that gave their lives in the past, and that are still laying everything down for us, so that we can celebrate the birth of Christ in freedom here in America. There are many men and women that will celebrate Christmas around a small artificial tree, in the middle of the desert, to the sound of gunfire. Let's keep them in our prayers, and when you see a veteran - young or old - take a moment and say thank you!

Thirty Lives
Thirty lives
Lost just like that
No time for goodbyes
No ‘one last kiss’

Just a knock on the door
So early one morning
“We’re so sorry,
He’s not coming home.”

Next the reporters
“Tell us about him!”
What is there to say?
He was my life; my everything

What is left now,
But lonely cries
“Where is daddy?
When is he coming home?”

Daddy didn’t make it,
But baby, hold on.
We’ll come out on top,
He would want it that way

Through the tears, now
We fight our own war
 We battle to get up,
To live another day

My comfort is this:
He knew it was dangerous
But they were his men
He needed to be with them

So, my love of my life
I will see you on the other side
Where the only tears
Are tears of joy

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Specials

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated!!  I do have something special for you all this time around, though!

The author Luke Alistar is running several promotions and sales and giving away free eBooks this December and January. Among his books on sale are a collection of forty comical stories and a middle-grade modern fantasy novel, both of which have been popular among families across the country. In addition, he is releasing his second volume of comical stories in January and is holding a holiday story contest, with the prize being a free signed copy of the new book. Check his blog for coupon codes, links, and details about the promotions and the contest:

I have personally read several of Luke's novels and have enjoyed all of them. Even his children's novel, Velvet's Wings held my interest from beginning to end...and I'm not usually one to read children's stories. So check this young author out, enter the contest and buy a book or two!


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kick It In the Sticks

Yes, it's been a long time since I updated. So sorry!! Shortly after I got home from the trip I told you about in my last post, my mom and little sister had the opportunity to attend the John Lyon's Lyon's Legacy Certification Program. So, of course, I was extremely happy for them and promised to do anything I could to help make that possible. Thus, I have been hired to manage our farm while mom is out of town, and dad and I are holding down the fort on our own. Now, to be fair, our friend Cheryl and two of her kids have been over nearly every day to help me. So, really, it's not just dad and I. But I'm responsible for whatever happens there. O.o  Yeah. That's the biggest reason I haven't updated in a while. Lol!

Anyway. Since mom left on Sept. 6th...obviously, I've been busy. That first week we worked long, hard days and didn't take any time off. My youth group, Campus Life, started the Monday night after mom left, but other than that, none of us took any time off. In fact, Margie works two 10+ hr shifts every week, and then came over and worked for several more hours at the farm, and stayed the night to help me with morning milking.

The next week, we were all a little burned out, but we were still cookin' along pretty good. I sliced and dehydrated over 50lbs of onions, and chopped and froze another 50lbs of onions in that week. By that weekend, I was feeling pretty dead. And we found out Thursday morning that we were going to get slammed by a freeze on Saturday night. We spent all day Thursday chopping up greens to freeze for stirfrys over the winter.

On Friday, we pulled all of our peppers and stored them in the garage, so that they could continue ripening. That night, I had the opportunity to go to a Reedsburg Beaver football game with some friends. One of my oldest friends was playing a home game, so I drove about an hour north of my house to cheer him on. As it turned out, I ended up staying the night there with some friends, so I was blessed with a wonderful break that night. After getting home, we picked over 500lbs of tomatoes in under 5hrs, and laid them out on our basement floor for ripening.

This past week, we've just been working to keep up with the ripening produce. Dad took the week off and went on a quick color-run to northern WI, which offered him a pretty peaceful break. I also found out that I made it to the top 5 with a short story I wrote in August, then submitted to a contest through Kingdom Pen!! If you want to read it, let me know!

Friday night, I went to another Reedsburg game, this time at Waunakee. It was a very hard game, and a painful loss, but the team played well. Waunakee is just...big. I spent the night again, and got to spend several hours the next day with the family, helping make breakfast, then ironing an outfit for a funeral the next day. Our families have been friends for years - like, almost 30 years. So, I just fit right in. Their oldest son, Coy, and I stayed up until *looks around then whispers* almost 3am... We're both kind of night owls, so...yeah. We had a great time talking and watching movies. :)

This morning, Margie and I got up and did chores, then dyed our hair using some temporary dye we got at Walmart. (Thanks, Halloween! :D)

The color isn't very good, but you get the idea. (I might be able to get a better picture later. :))

Any yes, I plan to attend the Beavers' game again this weekend!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

1380 Miles Later...

Last Friday, my mom and I left for a 5-day trip to visit some friends of mine that I've met online. We left shortly before 1000 on Friday, and arrived back home about 1900 on Tuesday evening. All in all, the trip was amazing.  It was fast, and we didn't have enough time anywhere, but what time we had was tons of fun!!

Friday night we arrived my friend, Hannah's, house around 1900, where they had dinner waiting for us. We got to meet Mr. Greg and Miss Amanda, and their younger kids, Matthew, Caleb, Samuel and Noah. As it turned out, Matthew and I fit together like a hand in a glove. We have spent less than 2 days together, and we're finishing each others sentences.  It's like we've found our missing twins...except he's a couple years younger than me. Other than that, though, if I didn't know better, I would say we're long-lost siblings. Now, we're just long-separated siblings. ;) Thank God for Skype and texting!

Saturday morning we drove from IN to OH, to visit my very good friend, JP, who I met over three years ago, in an online Biology class. We arrived there around 1500 on Saturday afternoon. JP, his older brother, Nathan and I hung out that afternoon and evening.  We stayed there over night, then joined them for church the next morning, where they were playing a worship set. After that, we all went out to eat at the Golden Corral, then mom and I returned to IN for our trip to Kings Island amusement park on Monday.

Nate, myself, and JP, outside of Golden Corral.  Always so hard to say goodbye!!!

Monday morning we left Hannah's house at 0600, and embarked on our 2 1/2 hour trip. Once there, we met up with the others that were joining us - about 35 of us total - then Matthew and I spent the rest of the day avoiding roller coasters, while the rest of the group spent the day riding as many as possible....for some very strange reason!  We got back from the park late, but stayed up in their livingroom, recounting our experiences to Miss Amanda, who was not able to join us.

Matthew and I listened to Country music the entire 2 1/2 hour trip from their house to the Kings Island amusement park.  We treated the rest of the passengers to our own version of it, as we sang along with the earbuds. Hannah and Amanda, in the backseat, each borrowed one of our earbuds for a couple of the songs.

Tuesday morning came way too fast, and it was time to say goodbye. I was very proud of myself, as I did not cry...but it was a close call. Thanks to Matthew for his assistance in psyching myself out. And yes, there is much talk of another trip to be coming soon. :) 


Our group photo, before heading off to meet the rest of the gang
Matthew, while we were waiting for our group to get off a ride... it was a shot just begging to be taken!

My favorite picture from the weekend...a quick snapshot that somehow completely captured his personality

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lifest 2012

I spent last week with one of our family's oldest friends.  He and my dad have known each other for 30 years, as they each got married and had kids, we've stayed close with them.  On Tuesday, Uncle Ben and myself joined a few other friends and went to Oshkosh to set up camp for the youth group we were taking to Lifest the next day.  We had three vehicles driving up, each pulling a camper, and once there, we set up the several canopies, and a total of four campers.  We had three electrical sites, and then 16 'primitive' sites for all the students to camp on. 

Sunset on our way home, Tues. night

After setting up, several of us stopped for dinner at Golden Corral, then finished the journey home.  We got home about 2200, and settled in for the night.  We had already arranged for me to stay the night at their house, since I live an hour south of them.  When we walked in, U. Ben's oldest son, Coy, was sitting on the couch playing Skyrim. He turned, shocked that I was there with his dad, and U. Ben goes, "Oh, hey, I forgot to mention that Jacki's staying the night.....and she's sleeping on that couch."  And then he walks off.  :)  Yeah.  Awkward. 

Anyway, Coy and I sat and talked on the couch for a while, munching on fresh-baked cookies and milk.  Sometime, probably around 11, we went out and he showed me his truck (a very awesome vehicle!) and then we took it for a quick spin...driving 'around the block,' listening to the radio and catching up on the past five years.  He had been away at college for a while, and then home but busy with work and had missed most of my cancer saga, so I filled him in on some of the details, and then he filled me in on his college experience.  After we got back, we went back to Skyrim - him playing, and me watching while we talked.  We stayed up until 0330.  ;) 

Coy and Tank, hanging out late Tues. night...or maybe Wed. morning!

Oh yeah, that dog?  That's Tank.  He's Coy's buddy.  He's about 5years old, and ever since he was born, he and Coy have been virtually inseparable.  Tank and I get along great, too, though...which was nice.  :)

Then next morning, Colton, U. Ben's youngest, left about 0515 to go to the gym.........aaaaaand, he forgot I was sleeping on the couch.  Yup.  Not even two hours later, I'm awake again.  I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but U. Ben was already up and getting ready to leave to go fix the brakes on his Suburban before we left again for Oshkosh.  I ended up getting up and talking to him and helping him get ready, since I couldn't sleep anyway.  He left about 0615, and I curled back up on the couch to try and get a little more sleep before my alarm went off at 0730.  About 0645, I heard someone else puttering around the kitchen, and fifteen minutes later, Miss Kayla (mom and wife) walked through and left for work.  I put a pillow over my head and tried to sleep, but gave up around 0715 and started getting ready to go.

When I got up, I had a voicemail from U. Ben, asking me to get Coy up and have him help me find a few things, but that didn't go so well.  Apparently, Coy slept much better that night than I did!!!  Lol!  So, I dug around and found the X-Box controllers, and a game for U. Ben, then packed lunches for him, Colton and myself.  Even with all the searching, I left right on time and made it to the church by 0830. 

They were already loading bikes, food, firewood and other things, so I jumped in and helped pack things into the vehicles.  Students started arriving about 9, and loaded all of their luggage into the cargo bays of the bus.  We left about 15min early, and were on our way to Oshkosh!  Since we left early, we were able to get everything set up in time for everyone to attend the first concert of the night.  (Usually, they're still setting up when the music starts!) 

The rest of the week, I made it to.....well, less concerts than I normally go to.  But, it was all good.  I hung out with Colton, and his friends Ryan, Devin, Payton and Luke. We had almost 70students up there this year, so there were plenty of people to hang out with.  I didn't sleep well all week - I went to bed around 0100 or so each night, and was cold most of the night, but then started sweating by 0600, so I signed up for breakfast prep every least that way I had something legit to do while I wasn't sleeping!  It was actually pretty fun!

My favorite part of the week was easily the time I got to spend with U. Ben.  He's been like a second dad to me for years, but we don't really get to spend a lot of time together, as he's the youth director at his church, and the father of two.  He came and visited me in the hospital this spring, Sunday night when I first went in, but I wasn't really up for a lot of hanging out right away that night, if you can imagine!  So this past week was a huge blessing!

Saturday I spent most of the day sitting on the bleachers on the black-top near the food court, watching the boys play their 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament.  It was a tough competition, but in the end, they won!  We were all so proud of them!  After the tournament, they boys wanted to shower before the Thousand Foot Krutch concert that they wanted to attend, so I ended up with Ryan's phone, running all over the Lifest grounds looking for someone to give the team photo to, in order to get it on the daily recap video.  Thanks to the connections of one of our leaders, who was also the Volunteer coordinator at Lifest, we were able to meet with the Director of Photography and get the picture on the video!

Left to Right: Ryan H, Devin Q, Colton S, Payton S
We didn't end up making it to any of the concerts we planned on attending that night, because after we ate dinner, we ran into some of the other students from our group who were doing a flash-mob type thing.  We hung with them for a while, then Colton and I broke away to go to the Stephen Curtis Chapman concert. 

That's about all I have to say about the week....there was just too much awesomeness to try and describe it to you,'s some pics for ya!!

One of our youth leaders, Zach

Some of the girls, setting up camp

Setting up camp

Molly, one of my new friends

Still setting up camp

A friends' son, sleeping through a heavy metal concert. Love that kid!

Zach...taking a much needed nap!

Matthew West!

Uncle Ben and Sarah, waiting for Newsboys

Uncle Ben...being Uncle Ben

Matthew West's bass player, I think

Bob Lenz, head of Life! Promotions

Jeff Frankenstein, Newsboys' keyboardist

Duncan Phillips, Newsboys' drummer

My friend Stefan (in the yellow hat) and Chris (red shirt, with his back turned)

Michael Tait, Newsboys' lead singer

Duncan Phillips

Uncle Ben, preparing for his second talk to the youth leaders

On the panel

Colton, waiting for Casting Crowns.  Love this kid!

Left to right, Molly (I think) Zack, Olivia, Emily, Jake, Colton

Mark Hall

Colton and Molly

The Oldschoolers, our b-ball team


Sunset I caught while flash-mobbing

Molly and Colton at Steven Curtis Chapman

Molly and Colton...falling asleep.

Molly and Colton, while Colton is 'staying awake all night'

Um...yeah....I really liked taking pics of Molly and Colton.  :D