
Saturday, June 29, 2013

28 Pieces

Written months ago, but never posted... I wrote this after the school shooting in CT, and everyone was asking 'where was God'? Well...this was my opinion. Take it or leave it.

 28 Pieces

“No,” I urged softly
“Please don’t lie.”
He hesitated, but powered on anyway
“No, mama, I didn’t touch it.”
And a few pieces of my heart fell to the floor

A few years later he’s at school,
Telling stories so the boys think he’s cool
“Shh,” I whispered, “That’s mean, don’t repeat it.”
And he didn’t hesitate, he just spit it out.
And a few pieces of my heart fell to the floor.

Now he’s in high school,
Yelling at his mom, sneaking a smoke now and then,
“You know this is wrong,” I said,  “Please stop.”
He sucked in a deep breath and dissed his mom again
And a few pieces of my heart fell to the floor.

Soon he’s graduated and moved on
He says he’s all grown up now
And doesn’t need me anymore
I beg him to let me help, and to invite me on his journey
But a few more pieces of my heart fall to the floor

He grabs the gun and slides the bullets in
I cry, yelling over the wall he’s built
“PLEASE! Don’t do this! I can help you!”
But he walks away, breaks into a school and takes lives
In all, twenty-eight pieces of my heart on the floor.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Time for cookouts, camping, fishing, and all things summer! That's what Memorial Day is for, right?

Sorry guys...not quite.

Don't get me wrong - the last weekend in May is a great time to break out all the summer gear. The winter cold, and the spring rains have mostly passed (except here in WI where it was 45° this morning!), the sun is coming out and the world is green once more. Kids are getting out of school, anxious to have some fun. And, conveniently, most people get a long weekend from work!

How often, though, do we forget the reason that so many people have extra time off? How many kids today leave school on Friday, and have no idea why they don't have school until Tuesday. Why is it so easy to create legends like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, yet we can't tell our children a story about men and women that have given their lives for the freedom of our country?

For centuries, these brave men and women have laid down their lives for hundreds of thousands of people that they will never meet, and who will never give them a second thought - so they could have the freedom to attend the church of their choice...or not to attend church at all. So that children can grow up to be adults that picket the funerals of the very soldiers that earned them that freedom. 

Cemeteries all across the country are filled with the graves of those who have gone before. But the sacrifice comes much earlier. The sacrifice begins on the day that these young people sign their name on the dotted line in the recruiter's office. From that day forward, their life is not their own - it belongs to their country. When She calls, they must come.

The soldiers that have given their lives, both those in the past, and those that are serving today, are not the only ones who deserve a heartfelt 'Thank you' this weekend. Their families sacrifice as much as the soldiers do, for when they are called to duty, their family is left behind. Children, wives, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends - we are left to continue living as though our heart wasn't a million miles away. As though we aren't waiting for the phone to ring, and that strange voice to tell you that your loved one will only be coming home one last time...followed by a 21-gun salute.

So this weekend, enjoy your cookouts, enjoy your families! That is, afterall, why these heroes serve. But take a moment, pull your children to your side, and tell them why they're out of school on Monday, and why there are American flags flying everywhere you turn. Raise up a generation that is grateful for the sacrifice of those that have come before.

Happy Memorial Day!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Year Ago...

This post is a little late - but I've been busy. Living life. And there's something to be said for that, considering that a year ago the whole life thing was in question. For me, anyway.

Tuesday, February 12th was one year to the day from the evening my parents drove me to the local Urgent Care clinic because I couldn't breathe. I'd stuck it out for a couple months, and finally determined I couldn't take it anymore. Several different scans and tests later, the doctor informed us that I had Large B-cell, Mediastinal Lymphoma...a fancy name for a very rare form of cancer - most commonly found in women ages 18-30. I was 18.

One year later, I sat in my doctor's office, waiting for him to come in with the results of the scan that day. I wasn't nervous, but I was very ready to get the results and get out of there. Six chemotherapy treatments, and four scans later, plus the visit and scan at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN - I was more than ready to be done with hospitals and doctors. As anticipated, by Faith, the results were clear, and a few minutes later, we were on our way.

As you would expect, the diagnosis of cancer changes a person, especially at eighteen, with a full life ahead of them. No one expects to get cancer, and it always seems wrong to us. But a young adult, just on the brink of everything life holds for them - we feel violated, somehow. Like the world owes us something now. But I have observed over the years that when God said he wouldn't give us more than we could bear - He wasn't kidding. He also didn't mean that we would be able to handle everything on our own. Rather, the point was that He would be our strength, so that it doesn't matter what we encounter along the way, we're covered.

I've had many people ask me how I've been able to deal with this so well. I didn't cry, or panic, or deny when the doctor came in with the results of the tests. Partially because I knew, going into it, that it was bad. Call it a gut feeling, call it a hunch, call it a clue from the Holy Spirit - I knew Sunday night that if I stayed home and tried to sleep, it would most likely end very badly for me. So I knew that this was no simple fix. But it was more than that. I was filled and covered with a holy peace all through the week I spent in the hospital, and even beyond, into treatment. Was it hard? Yes. There were days I was convinced it was more than I could do. But then someone would call, or text, and remind me that I had more support than I could have ever dreamed of.

Someone asked me once, early on in this journey, 'Why you?' and they were angling towards the injustice. Why would the 'universe' pick on me? Why was I the victim? And one night, while I was laying in the hospital bed, wide awake at 4am thanks to the medication I was on, I typed up a response to that question. The conclusion was, essentially, why not? Why not me? Why should I expect that this would happen to anyone but me? I'm a people-person. I love to network with people. The more people I can affect with my daily life, the better. Which, quite frankly, makes me the perfect person for this. Because God is about so much more than just one person. Yes, He had lesson after lesson to teach me through this - but I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that He had lessons for many, many other people around me. I've already seen Him working in the lives of my friends any family, and I expect to continue to see it in the coming months and years.

So where am I going from here? Well, that's a tricky question with a simple answer. The answer is - I don't know yet. I don't have a career in mind, nor do I even have a job at this point. I have a few possibilities, and few things I'm praying about, but nothing is set in stone. All I know for sure is that whatever I do, where ever I do it - I want to be making a difference in lives. Because Jesus is about people, and He's about their lives. The world around us is important, but he's about lives. And that's what I'm making my life mission. Lives.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Change is...good?

Once again, I find my self needing to apologize for allowing so much time to pass between updates. So much happens, and yet it feels like nothing ever changes.

A few weeks ago - February 12th, to be exact - I went back in to the UW Hospital cancer clinic for my one-year anniversary scan and Dr. appt. Praise God, I am still 100% clear, and I now don't need to go back for another scan until next February. Although I do go back in mid-July for an appointment with the Dr, and blood tests.

Other than that, not much else is new around here - making plans for the OYAN Summer Workshop, as well as Lifest, and EAA, once again.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

OYAN WW::Day One

Day One is nearly over, and what a great day it's been! Mr. S talked about "Deconstructionism" in novels today, and then we discussed a few different published novels and what we saw could be done better or differently. Then we talked about the different story keys.

We had two separate critique group sessions today. Mine is called "Alnwick Gardens" and consists of Keifer, Jared, Amber, Carlie, Ashlynne, Eric, and we had a great time today! Everyone has fantastic excerpts and we all seem to get along really well together!

This evening we all went to see The Hobbit together, which was fantastic. Mr. and Mrs. S rented the whole theater, so we all got to go see it! Great movie! I'm no hardcore LotR fan, but I did definitely enjoy it!! :)

Anyway, it's getting late, and I need to get some rest for another big day tomorrow.

Semper Fi

Last night we got to draw on the chalkboard paint at the S's warehouse space...well, here's a pic of mine! It a little dark, but enjoy!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

OYAN WW::Prequel

Day One of the One Year Adventure Novel Winter Workshop is tomorrow...tonight was like a, well a sneak preview. We got registered for the workshop, and checked into the hotel, and then a big pizza dinner. After which they took us over to their new warehouse, one wall of which they have painted with chalkboard paint (Best. Invention. Ever.) They even had stockings for each of the students!

Tomorrow morning we have our first session at 8:30am, which marks the beginning of a long, exhausting, yet somehow refreshing week! Can't wait!!

Quick warning, Janae (affectionately known to most of us as 'Sharpie') and I are roommates this week, so...things could get just a little crazy here and there. :P

Semper Fi