What happens when someone that you never thought about losing...is suddenly one of those people that that you can see slipping away from your life? What can you do when you realize that nothing is going to save the relationship that was - but neither of you is ready to step into the relationship that could be. Friendship is one of those delicate things that cannot be predicted, and you cannot see these things coming.
And so I sit here tonight, with a heavy heart, looking back on all the relationships that I've lost over the years, and I have to wonder...why? My entire life, I have wondered why I struggled so much to keep friends. From my first friend when I was four, to my best friend while I was in my pre-teen years, to this latest development - my luck with friends has been atrocious.
The appropriate answer, of course, as a Christian, is that this just gave me a chance to grow closer to the Lord, and seek Him with all of that time I'm not wasting on friends and other frivolous things. And there is excessive truth in that, however, there are times that praying and seeking the Lord don't actually feel like enough.
Don't get me wrong, He is always enough. But there are times when a softly spoken "it's okay, I love you. You'll make it through, I promise," and a warm hug are crucial to recovering from the buffeting waves of the world. Let's be honest, sometimes a passionate, "You get the tar, I'll grab the feathers," helps a fair amount as well!
Honestly, I have no concluding lesson learned, or solution to the problem...basically today sucked, and I haven't got a clue what to do about it.
Excuse me while I go find some more comfort food and movies to indulge in.
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