
Monday, July 2, 2012

And the Results Are In!

As I mentioned the other day, I went in to UW-Hospital today for my follow-up PET scan. Praise the Lord, my scans came back clear! There are no active cancer cells, which means that I am officially done with chemotherapy! Dr. Longo has asked us to consider radiation treatment, to further insure that the cancer does not return, so we are meeting with a radiologist on the 19th of July to discuss pros, cons and other details. I'll keep you posted on that as we figure it out.

As it stands now, I am on no medications, have no drugs coursing through my body, and am hot on the trail of a healthy, happy life.

I was blessed this morning by a text from my cousin, Christopher, asking me to keep him posted on my test today. I was surprised...he rarely remembers to call me for my birthday, which happens every year - I didn't expect him to remember about my scan, but he proved me wrong. We plan to get together far more regularly than we have of late!

Good news for Kingdom Pen, too...tonight I began the revision of my article! Whoo!!

Well, we're watching a movie, so I should run. Will update more later!

Semper Fi,